Merchants & Payment Methods
Check out details about the merchants and payment methods you can use in Bingo Blitz!
What are merchants?
The Merchants are third party partners with us, through which you can initiate and complete the transactions.
After a successful transaction will appear in our records, the goodies (purchased packs) will arrive in your balance!
Which merchants can I use to make in-game purchases?
The merchants that can be used to make transactions in our game are:
– Apple
– Google Play
– Facebook
– Amazon
– Microsoft
Why did my transaction not go through?
If you purchased one of the packs from the store, yet the goods did not appear in your balance, please make sure to check if the payment details are set correctly on your account.
*Please note that our game will not store your payment details. These are set directly through your merchant and can only be managed by you.
Who can initiate payments on my account?
As it is a recurring payment, after being activated for the first time, the PLUS Subscription is the only transaction that does not require to be manually initiated on your account. It will be automatically renewed until the point of being cancelled.
Apart from this, please note that all the transactions (purchases) can only be initiated from your side.
We are unable to take any actions on your behalf, on your account, as the payment details are stored and shared only with the merchant used. No need to worry! Your information is safe! 😸
I did not buy anything! Why did I receive a receipt?
Sometimes, the time between purchasing a pack and the receipt reaching your account can be a little longer than expected.
It is possible, if you made a purchase 3 days ago, to find yourself receiving the receipt a little later, making it look like a new transaction has been made.
If you experience this type of situation, please find the receipt, take a screenshot of it, and contact our Support Team.
Someone will be ready to investigate and help you at any given time!
How can I change my payment details?
Here you can find the steps on how to change the payment method on your account, depending on the merchant used:
– Apple: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201266
– Google Play: https://support.google.com/googleplay/answer/4646404?co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid&hl=en
– Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/help/addpayment
– Microsoft Store:https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/account-billing/update-a-microsoft-account-payment-method-2ca44141-c10d-a693-7ea6-3a22f5213283
– Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GNQFBWDZJN838JZF
If you need any assistance with any of the above, don’t hesitate to contact us!